About MVC
Who we are
We are a church family that is excited about people seeking God. We believe that God’s Spirit is at work in this world drawing people to Himself. It is a privilege to share the truth of the Bible with anyone interested in the things of God. We believe the reality of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. We embrace Jesus as the Messiah. God, the Father is gracious when His creation turns to Him in faith. The Bible has much to say about this amazing privilege of man being reunited with God. One of our greatest joys is to see someone enter into an eternal relationship of transformation with God the Father.
Core Beliefs
- The Bible, God’s Holy Word, is infallible, completely inspired by the Holy Spirit, and without error.
- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit comprise the trinity. One sovereign God that eternally exists in three persons.
- Adam and Eve were created by God. They rebelled against God’s plan and so incurred both physical and spiritual death that has been passed through the generations through a sinful nature that must be redeemed.
- Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, existed without sin, was crucified, buried, resurrected on the third day, and ascended into heaven as part of God’s plan for the redemption of mankind.
- Salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ. Our Lord responds to repentance with forgiveness and thus the repentant person becomes a new creation in God. All the fullness of God is now available to this once fallen creature.
- The Church is the body of Christ as well as His bride. The Church is both local and universal in nature. The work of the Church is wide and complex but with a simple mandate to glorify God through spreading the gospel and making disciples. Baptism and the Lord’s supper are the two ordinances to guard and guide with this process.
- The Lord will return to earth and each believer is to eagerly look for and anticipate His return.
- God will resurrect the bodies of the just as well as the unjust. The final accounting will result in everlasting punishment for the lost and everlasting blessedness for the redeemed.
Service Times & Location
8:30am and 10:30am at Renback Barn
We have the privilege to worship together at Renback Barn with two services each Sunday, 8:30am and 10:30am.
We offer children’s ministry in both services as specified below:
8:30am – Nursery and Littles (walkers – 6 year olds)
10:30am – Nursery, Littles (walkers – 6 year olds), and Bigs (7 – 10 year olds)
A nursing mother’s room is available in both services.
Parking is available in the lot below the barn and handicap spaces are available next to the barn. A live broadcast is available through the MVC website as well as MVC Facebook Live at 11:00am.
Belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior creates a sense of wonder and expression that happens when people of faith gather together. Songs and scripture have been ingredients of vibrant worship for thousands of years. Come celebrate with the MVC family!