Community Groups

Student / Young Adult Groups
Students and young adults are such a vibrant component of the church! Faith is often exemplified through young lives who believe in and pursue God. High energy fun and learning are part of the community group experience as they grow together.
Current Student / Young Adult Groups:
- MVC Youth Group, Middle & High School Students (Wednesdays from 7PM – 8:30PM @ Renback, led by Chris Davis and youth leaders )
- Senior High Bible Study (2nd & 4th Sundays from 4PM – 6PM @ the Davis home)

Women's Groups
Women have an incredible understanding and ability of what it means to live in community. Women helping women is at the core of the efforts to encourage, help, and strengthen one another through a variety of endeavors.
Current Women’s groups:
- Ladies Prayer Group, Secrets of the Secret Place (Tuesdays from 6AM – 7AM @ the Duggins home)
- Ladies Truth Group (Tuesdays from 6:30PM – 8PM @ the Wyant home, led by Maggie Wyant) *Starting August 23rd
- Ladies Study, When Strivings Cease by Ruth Chou Simons (Wednesdays from 7PM to 8:30PM @ Renback Annex, led by Katie Miller) *Starting August 24th
- Young Mother’s Group (Thursdays from 6:30PM – 8PM @ the Boone home, led by Karen Boone) *Starting September 1st
- Ladies Study (Wednesdays from 7PM – 8:30PM @ the Duggins home, led by Jenny Broyles) *Starting October 5th
- Ladies Study, Galatians (Sundays from 5PM – 7PM @ the Crouthamel home, led by Jan Crouthamel) *Starting September 11th **This study is now full, but please take advantage of the many great opportunities above!

Men's Groups
Encouraging men to embrace servant leadership is imperative to a proper society and church. MVC strives to create opportunity for men to engage in community for strength and encouragement in an ever challenging age.
Current Men’s groups:
- Men’s Prayer Group, Secrets of the Secret Place (Wednesdays from 6AM – 7AM @ TC2 Design Conference Room)
- Men’s Study, currently studying Colossians (Thursdays from 7PM – 8:30PM @ TC2 Design Conference Room, led by Andrew Miller)

Marriage / Parenting Groups
A God given blessing of marriage and privilege of parenting are foundational at MVC. Learning and encouraging each other in these major arenas of life can make the difference between success and failure. Wisdom at just the right time on the journey can give life and hope.
Current Marriage or Parenting groups:
- Young Mother’s Group (Thursdays from 6:30PM – 8PM @ the Boone home, led by Karen Boone)
- Marriage Study by Craig & Amy Groeschel (Sundays from 4PM – 6PM @ the Duggins home, led by Tim & Lori Duggins)

Children's Groups
Children are a blessing and gift from God to families and the church. MVC strives to provide safe, loving opportunities for children. A family approach to ministry ensures that children are welcomed and embraced at MVC.
Current opportunities for children to join in community:
- Children’s Church (Sundays at 10:30AM @ Renback)