June 11, 2023

Living Hope: A Life That Proclaims Eternity

Eternal life is not just a future hope but a present reality that creates living hope!
May 28, 2023

Living Hope: Gospel Focused Marriage

Marriage presents the opportunity to align your life with the authority of heaven.
May 21, 2023

Living Hope: Hope Acquired Through Relationship

Christ left us an example of genuine faith.
May 14, 2023

Living Hope: Godly Citizens of Living Hope

Don't do wrong or bad hoping to accomplish good things in society. Do good and do right to accomplish good things in society.
April 30, 2023

Living Hope: Living Hope Gives You Grit

Standing for Christ and living a life of integrity is not for the weak at heart.
April 23, 2023

Living Hope: Living Stones Build the House

Two words to keep in mind for this message, identity and value.
April 16, 2023

Living Hope: Malnourished or Feeding for Growth?

When you begin to change your intake regarding nutrition of all types, it eventually has an effect on your appetite.
April 9, 2023

Living Hope: Resurrection Faith Changes Ordinary People

Peter, an ordinary man, encountered an extraordinary Savior who transformed him from the inside out.
April 2, 2023

Living Hope: Hope that Leads to Godliness

What does it mean to, "not take the name of the Lord your God in vain?"