December 4, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – Still Desperate in Our Depravity

We are still desperate in our depravity unless we make The Lord God our Savior and King.
November 27, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – The Reality of Our Times

We must guard against us making ourselves god and rejecting The One True God as revealed through the Holy Scriptures.
November 20, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – Whose Strength?

How are you compromising in areas where you have been called to stand out?
November 13, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – God Responds to Faith

God responds to our faith in the mundane events of our everyday lives.
November 6, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – Learning to Take the Extra Step

October 30, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – Trying to Earn What Was Already Provided

What is it... why is it... that you keep trying to earn what has already been provided by God through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus of Nazareth?
October 23, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – The Danger of Not Finishing Well

Based on how you are living right now... will you finish well?
October 16, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – Follow Through Matters

Good intentions are worthless unless the good intentions have a place in your intentional daily decision making.
October 9, 2022

Judges: Trading Darkness for Hope – Becoming a Cycle Breaker

Baby steps of faith matter.