July 16, 2023

Living Hope: Hardship as an Invitation

Hardship is an invitation to experience God exactly as you need Him.
July 9, 2023

Living Hope: Hope Provides a Reality Check

Stay close to God to help others grow!
July 2, 2023

Living Hope: Transforming Hope for Overcoming

Where do you exert your effort and preparation in your life?
June 25, 2023

Living Hope: Following Christ’s Example

If God calls me to it, I know He is faithful to lead me through it.
June 18, 2023

Living Hope: Power for Living from our Lord

Honor Christ in your heart and mind as the most special because He is holy as your Savior and Lord.
June 11, 2023

Living Hope: A Life That Proclaims Eternity

Eternal life is not just a future hope but a present reality that creates living hope!
May 28, 2023

Living Hope: Gospel Focused Marriage

Marriage presents the opportunity to align your life with the authority of heaven.
May 21, 2023

Living Hope: Hope Acquired Through Relationship

Christ left us an example of genuine faith.
May 14, 2023

Living Hope: Godly Citizens of Living Hope

Don't do wrong or bad hoping to accomplish good things in society. Do good and do right to accomplish good things in society.